
Somatic Leadership Coaching
Are you a Leader
Trailblazing the Transition™
into the New Free World?
Do you know how to catalyze and grow self-organizing, self-governing and self-sustaining systems from the inside out and bottom up of your being?
Are you aware that 95-99% of what is driving you, your organization, and your leadership efforts is pre-programmed, subconscious and biologically hardwired?
How well do you know how to navigate this vast, potent and sublime inner territory--for yourself and your organization?...
The better you can track and register changes inside your body through your felt-sense experience, the better you can track and read changes in all other living systems around you including your employees, organizations, funders, competitors and markets.
Being able to sense the underlying biological body-based (somatic) communication that is happening all the time gives you the Somatic Advantage!
Gaining the Somatic Advantage gives you baseline biological information, premise and increased capacity to stay self-regulated and response-able under stressful conditions, and it helps you to make sublime interventions that lead to deeper levels of subconscious somatic level safety, and trust, and risk-taking, innovation, productivity and profitability.
And the Somatic Advantage implicitly gives you the foundation to lead (from your inside out) healthy, innovative, collaborations, decisions and actions that grow self-organizing, self-governing sovereign systems.
Becoming somatically savvy about somatic self-regulation and co-regulation basics gives any leader a profound Somatic Advantage in all their relations--and in fact as the old world crumbles all around us, it is now IMPERATIVE!.
By learning and integrating my core somatic practices and techniques leaders can learn to use their whole-brain and innate somatic intelligence to collaboratively innovate productive, profitable and biologically sound solutions to pressing community and workplace challenges.
Leaders who develop the Somatic Advantage will have more choice, option and resiliency in this time of great slow down, failing markets and economic collapse.
My core innate intelligence Somatic Leadership Coaching and Skills Training empowers you from the inside out and outside in with a Whole Systems Somatic worldview, education and practice that helps you orient, listen, pay attention and lead in new and more coherent ways.
Learn to “get yourself out of the way” and use your Innate Intelligence to lead you and your teams and organizations and communities!
What do Leaders have to say about working with me?
“Polla's Organic Intelligence work is highly innovative and helpful in accelerating creative solutions to pressing organizational issues. In a two hour group session I resolved a complex organizational issue that had been bothering me for weeks.”
~ Shirley Edwards
VP, XEROX Palo Alto Research Center
“Polla’s approach to Leadership training facilitation is extraordinarily fun, innovative and effective. She quickly became our most popular facilitator. She made valuable design and development contributions which improved the training and effectiveness of other facilitators as well as the overall global success of the program. I highly recommend working with Polla Pratt.” ~ Nancy Cook VP, Boeing Center for Leadership and Learning
Interested in learning more about Leading Self-Organizing, Self-Governing organizations and communities?
Gain access to over 25 years of applied somatic practice working with the leaders of governments, educational institutions, non-profits, communities and businesses including XEROX, Boeing and Pemex helping them achieve greater operating efficiencies, teamwork harmonies and creative solutions to pressing challenges.
Start Your Somatic Leadership Coaching Sessions NOW!
Individual Session 1.5 hour $300
Package of six 1.5 hour Weekly Sessions $280 per session (you save $100)
Package of ten 1.5 hour Weekly Sessions $260 per session (you save $400)
*Session packages are ideally pre-scheduled, weekly sessions, same day, same time, and are due in full before starting the series.