
Welcome to Trailblazing the Transition™ Trainings
We are all being called to TRUST our deepest selves and walk into the unknown as we Trailblaze the Transition™ into the New Free World destined to be created!
This paradigm paving, culture changing training series offers timely new practical life-skills that pave the way for whole new ways of being, relating, leading, and for co-creating our Parallel Societies & Economies.
These jaw-dropping, mind-blowing trainings are life-changing and apply to: individuals, couples, families, homeschools, leaders, businesses, teams, organizations, communities, and regions.
The Initial Trailblazing the Transition™ Trainings are:
1. Roadmap for Trailblazing the Transition™ into the New Free World Destined to be Created!
2. Somatic Self-Governance™--the Key to Creating the World We Want to Live In
3. Conscious Contracting Purely in the Private--Making & Holding Agreements
4. Sovereign Systems Design Leadership Training--Catalyzing & Growing Self-Organizing Communities
5. Parallel Societies & Economies Local Launch Event--Manifesting Miracles & Making it Real!

Trailblazing the Transition™ Training #1
Trailblazing the Transition™ Training #1
#1: Roadmap for Trailblazing the Transition™ (4 hours)
In this paradigm paving, culture changing experiential workshop you will be given a succinct foundation, framework and process for successfully navigating your personal, professional and community relationships as we transition from the old world of centralized, top down, power-over systems into decentralized, bottom up, self-organizing, self-governing Parallel Societies & Economies.
We know WHAT to do to bring in the new free world that is destined to be created. The trillion dollar question is HOW?
This intro workshop gives you the road map and asks you 4 imperative questions and supports you to make 4 imperative agreements that lay an embodied relational foundation for HOW you can successfully and sublimely Trailblaze the Transition™ we are now in.
Polla launching her training at Music and Sky, October 16, 2022
In this experiential workshop you will learn and practice:
The #1 Value for successfully Trailblazing the Transition™ & the keys to embodying it
The 3 premises, processes and outcomes that provide clear new paradigm ways of being, relating and leading
Self-governance from the inside out & using your bodies innate intelligence to become your own leader
Sit & Slack Method™ for tracking your triggers & mastering somatic self-regulation, co-regulation and consciously collaborative relationships
Answering 4 Imperative Questions & mastering your own embodied, bottom up, self-governance process
Co-creating 4 Imperative Agreements that lay the foundation to develop your personal, professional and community relational networks that ultimately build our private societies & economies.

Trailblazing the Transition™ Training #2
#2: Conscious Contracting Purely in the Private (4 hours)
As we transition out of top-down, power-over, public, legal societies and economies and begin building our bottom-up, self-organizing, private parallel societies and economies it is imperative that we start with a shared:
Understanding of the Laws that we choose to guide us
Embodied conscious ways to make and hold agreements
This training module offers all this and a whole lot more!
Conscious Contracting Purely in the Private is a paradigm paving, culture changing relational practice and paperwork process for making and holding agreements.
At its core Conscious Contracting Purely in the Private™ honors our whole body, mind, heart and soul in every agreement we make and ensures that accountability and remedy are decided by 'we the people' and based in self-governing sovereign systems.

In this experiential workshop you will learn:
How Conscious Contracting Purely in the Private serves as a foundation, framework and relational process for making and holding agreements as we build our Parallel Societies & Economies
How 16 paradigm paving, culture changing autonomic nervous system agreements fundamentally change how we relate, create, and contract with one another
How you can embody and integrate Universal & Natural Laws; your Unalienable Rights; Voluntaryism; and a Conscious Living Universe worldview into new paradigm relational practices for making and holding agreements purely in the private
How to stop contracting as a Slave & to how to start contracting as a FREE Woman or Man--with other FREE Women and Men
Specific strategies for transitioning from Public to Private and specific ways you can straddle both systems as you navigate the tricky territory and transition between the two
The Anatomy of a Conscious Contract and how to create both verbal and written contracts
How to incorporate The Sit & Slack Method™ into how you make and hold agreements, for trigger tracking and for resolving controversies on your own
How you can form a Regional Remedies Group to support your Conscious Contracting processes and controversies when you are unable to resolve them on your own

Trailblazing the Transition™ Training #3
#3: Sovereign Systems Design & Leadership Training (5 hours)
This paradigm paving, culture changing Sovereign Systems Design Leadership Training teaches you the art & science of cultivating & growing self-organizing, self-governing sovereign organizations and communities from the bottom-up and the inside out of your very being.
Learn how to lead from and cater to the autonomic nervous system and to hold space for the wisdom of the ages to emerge, bringing complex adaptive nature-based innovations and solutions to your professional teams and Parallel Societies & Economies development processes.
Learn proven process models and methodologies that have catalyzed and grown self-organizing, self-governing sovereign systems at rural, city, state and country levels internationally over the last 20+ years.

In this experiential training you will learn:
The key differences between top-down, power-over leaders and bottom-up, sovereign systems leaders
Why all top down leaders will fail & how somatic savvy bottom-up leaders will succeed
The art & science of somatic based human process design that catalyzes & grows decentralized, self-organizing, self-governing, self=sustaining organizations and communities
How to gain and apply the Somatic Advantage and sublimely increase resonance, alignment, engagement and momentum
How you can cultivate deep subconscious autonomic nervous system level safety and trust and accelerate collaboration, risk-taking, innovation, productivity and profitability
How to set the context, conditions and environment for self-organizing systems to thrive
Why jelly fish and octopus are the best role models & teachers for sovereign systems leadership, design and implementation
How counter intuitive bottom-up leadership truly is & the ultimate gut maneuver it requires to successfully lead self-organizing sovereign systems

Trailblazing the Transition™ Training #4
#4: Parallel Societies & Economies Local Launch Event (20+ hours)
Graduates of this intro Trailblazer Training Series collaboratively apply everything they've learned to a Self-Organizing Meeting Process Template and towards producing a local launch event in their community.
The template is specially designed to catalyze Regional Relational Networks and to launch Local Parallel Societies & Economies.
This training module includes two, four-hour group planning sessions and an expected 10+ hours of pre-event coordination for each training graduate.
It takes a high level of embodied consciousness, coordination and planning to successfully organize, co-lead and hold space for a community to successfully to come together in-person and self-organize their self-governing Parallel Societies & Economies.
This module provides immersive, hands-on, experiential training for maximum engagement and launch event success!

Marin/Sonoma County Leaders 2022
In this experiential workshop you will:
Learn the ABC's of Sovereign Systems Design™ and how to somatically apply it
Learn how to set the context, conditions and environment for deep subconscious somatic safety and trust to flourish
Learn how hold space that innately catalyzes self-organizing development processes (and how not to)
Learn how to align, call to action & mobilize your community to realize maximum networking opportunities & the number of action initiative launched at your first event
Learn how to build continuity, catalyze commitments, create & hold accountability and to generate next steps
Learn how to create momentum, a sense of purposeful passion, initiative tracking and support systems, system-building follow-ups and continued collaboration!